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Join us next year!


 9:30am to 4:00pm


RIM NORDIC / SNOW VALLEY, just 5 miles east of Running Springs,

10 miles west of Big Bear!







The Festival is held annually on the


of October!

See you there!

find a better FREE

Family event!

We have something

for everyone. Food,

live entertainment, great vendors, artisans and exhibits, kids' activities,

pine​ cone games 

and contests.


FREE parking at Snow Valley and  FREE SHUTTLES  are provided by Mountain Transit to help you cross the highway








Get your Glue Gun Out!! Enter our Pine Cone   Craft Contest and ​win a prize! AND You can create your yraft AT the Festival! Check the Contest page for rules for various age groups.

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The Festival is a dog-friendly event - as long as they are on a 6ft leash. And please come prepared to clean up after your dog as there is no "doggie" area.


 You won't​

Please mark your calendars for
October 4, 2025



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Join me at

Hi! My name is CHEEKERS. 

I love everything about the forest and fire safety.

Come to the festival for food, fun and great vendors and exhibitors!

I hope to see you again in October!


NOTE: Festival is held IN the forest, walking area is a natural surface, flat with some irregularities as this is not a paved or concrete trail.

Want to explore the environment?  Enjoy a Nature Walk through the forest at our annual Pine Cone Festival this year!  Enjoy the pines, firs, cedars and stream beds as you stroll the forest floor.   There are three distance options for you to choose:       1 mile loop, 2 mile loop, and a 3 mile loop.  At the mid-point in each loop is a self-administered stamp for your trail guide, showing proof that you met your walking goal.  Bring the stamped trail guide back to our nature walk booth for a beautiful free Pine Cone Festival logo magnet, metal logo lapel pin, or the Smokey Bear Pin (depending on your distance choice).  This year a 3-mile loop has been added! You will get both pins and a special Smokey Bear gift! The trail guide features beautiful pictures and descriptions of natural environmental elements you will discover on your walk.  The walking trails are on forest service roads and established trails, easy to moderate walking, depending on distance choice.  This is a Festival activity favorite and we hope you will join us this year for the Nature Walk!  The Nature Walk info booth is just to the left of the main entertainment stage.  Hope to see you there!
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San Bernardino County Fire took home its first trophy in the First Responders Pine Cone Brigade. Which agency will take home the Pine Cone Championship this year?




Pine Cone Craft Contest
World's Largest Pine Cone Contest
Pine Cone Olympics
Free Games
Fun Fair Food
Wonderful Artisans
Unique Craft Vendors
Fire Prevention Info
Smokey Bear!
Crafty?  You can start working on your entry for our 2025 Pine Cone Craft Contest!

   Do you have the ​

Largest Pine Cone??

Go Hiking and find the winning cone!!
 Fantastic prizes worth for the longest sugar pine and heaviest Coulter could be yours - explore the forest and bring your cones to the Festival by NOON on the day of the Festival.  Break the record and win even more in prizes!

​Annual Prizes  for the Longest Sugar and Biggest Coulter Pine Cone entered each year.
Special prizes for record breakers!
The  record for Sugar cone
is 23- 1/4" long
The record Coulter  cone
is 5 lbs. 2.8 oz

See our contest page for all the details.
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The Pine Cone Festival is a non profit run by volunteers.  We would love to hear from you.​ ​

Click here to email us for more info​

​© 2013 Pine Cone Festival  All Rights Reserved

P.O. Box 2582 , Running Springs, CA 92382

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